Doctor Syntax Food Photography

Recently I was brought onboard to help friends raise awareness with their exiting new adventure – the Doctor Syntax Hotel in Sandy Bay, Tasmania. It’s a great space to photograph – although I haven’t really gone all out yet. Photographing...

Any camera will do.

This is a friend of mine. We were having lunch and I saw a fantastic opportunity for a great photograph of him. I captured this image with just my phone. I didn’t have a fancy lens, bounce boards or a diffuser – just my phone. I’ve been a...

Learning to photograph

Back in the early days of my career change from being a television producer to full time Hobart photographer I would capture image after image. This one payed off… It’s looking at Mt. Wellington over the Derwent River. It really looked like this too. I was...

Making an outstanding image.

I’ve been posting about my recent holiday without taking my cameras and lenses, and the separation anxiety that comes with that experience. So, here’s another image that isn’t too bad considering it wasn’t captured on a professional camera....

Sometimes, you’ve gotta pay…

This Hobart photographer was travelling through Vietnam, which is full of beautiful people, and I saw this lovely lady at a market and asked if I could capture a portrait image of her. She was reluctant, until I opened my wallet. I paid her pretty well too. I was the...