Staff Portrait Photographer Hobart

Gone are the days where staff portraits were taken by a colleague with a mobile phone. To look professional, you need quality images, and that’s on of my specialties.

Staff portraits (headshots) are important for any business website. It’s an opportunity for potential customers to visualise who they are or will be dealing with.

I am a proud Tasmanian photographer, based in Hobart.  I am proud of our businesses here in our beautiful island state. We should do all that we can, to support each other and if that means beautiful photography not just in Hobart but the entire state, let’s get to it!

Social Media Campaign Success

Social Media Campaign Success

The secret to a great social media campaign is knowing the details and the psychology of who you want to visit you and why they made it as far as they did by finding your breadcrumbs. What do I mean? We, If you’re trying to attract visitors to a cafe for instance,...

Stock Photography

his month has been busy photographing fashion, events, portraits and getting on top of stock photography. Stock images are always there for the slower moments. It's good fun just driving, walking and thinking about what people want to see. If you're just getting into...

Learning to photograph

Back in the early days of my career change from being a television producer to full time Hobart photographer I would capture image after image. This one payed off... It's looking at Mt. Wellington over the Derwent River. It really looked like this too. I was training...

Making an outstanding image.

I've been posting about my recent holiday without taking my cameras and lenses, and the separation anxiety that comes with that experience. So, here's another image that isn't too bad considering it wasn't captured on a professional camera. It's of my wife and her...

Sometimes, you’ve gotta pay…

This Hobart photographer was travelling through Vietnam, which is full of beautiful people, and I saw this lovely lady at a market and asked if I could capture a portrait image of her. She was reluctant, until I opened my wallet. I paid her pretty well too. I was the...

A Hobart photographer interstate.

As a Hobart photographer it was great to capture images in another state, in this case Adelaide. I recently wrote about "the best camera", which is a position I want to reiterate. I took this image a few days after my last post with my phone, mind you my phone does...

Which camera is best?

Answer is the one you have with you. I’m a Hobart photographer currently visiting Adelaide. Yesterday it was 40 degrees - it wasn’t too bad. I’m on holiday and these days I don’t lug my big cameras around, I use my iPhone. As you can see this is a perfectly suitable...

A wet Hobart wedding photographer

A rainy wedding is not ideal, but it rarely rains solidly all day long. There is always a gap, and when it arrives, stop what you were doing and run. In this case we were doing family portraits in a sheltered area. I knew there was a small break coming and I really...

Family Portraits are important

This post is pretty self evident. I cant express enough just how important professional Family Portrait sessions really are. Hire a hobart photographer to capture a fantastic slice of time - you're always be younger in a portrait.

Political Photographer Hobart

Wedding Photographer, Portrait Photography, Staff Portraits, Staff Headshots, Family Portraits, Event Photography, Wedding Photographer Hobart, Family portraits

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404A, Flower Street
San Fransisco, CA


+00 125 456 8754


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