I was watching the hit TV show, ‘The Traitors’ recently (Ch 10).

One of the cast/contestants was Paul de Gelder. I met him while photographing a conference here in Hobart a few years ago, he’s a lovely bloke.

His story is incredable. He was a Navy diver and was mauled by a bull shark in Darling Harbour while on a training run on defusing a bomb. He was the keynote speaker at the conference.

I took this photograph at the event while he was explaining the attack – his story is terrifying enough, but the way in which he told the story was exceptional. Two people fainted while he recalled the horror of that day, he’s that good at story telling…

He was also a trained sniper and wanted to continue in that role, but because he lost part of his right arm (and right leg) he’d have to train with not only his left hand, but also train his left eye (and his brain) to see throught the sight properly. It got me thinking, could I take photos properly if I could use only my left eye? I don’t think I could… It must be a hemisphere thing with our brain. I just know I couldn’t.